Sue Kalicinska’s Acupuncture Farnham Surrey Clinic will allow you to enjoy an excellent treatment that addresses your whole well-being.
Acupuncture has developed in China over thousands of years. It works with the body’s system of points connected by Channels or Meridians. In addition, these pathways relate to our physical and mental well-being, which Chinese medicine sees as a whole.
Sue utilises traditional Chinese pulse and tongue diagnosis, which is key to Acupuncture.
These assist in the selection of acupuncture points aimed particularly at you. Treatment with hair-fine needles gently re-balances the Meridians. The treatment is very relaxing, and people often doze off during a session!
For more than 25 years, Sue has helped people address all kinds of health problems. These include back and neck pain, sciatica, frozen shoulders, digestive problems and allergies. Furthermore, arthritis and hormonal issues will likely improve with Acupuncture. She also works with men and women on fertility problems, women during pregnancy, and babies and children. Please review our “Acupuncture Benefits” page for more details and modern research references.
Acupuncture Farnham Surrey is also offering a complete approach to well-being. It’s not just about working with a particular complaint; it’s about understanding how to maintain your health, cope with stresses and get the best out of life.
Another fantastic facet of this oriental tradition at these London Acupuncture clinics is the Acupuncture Facial. This treatment will provide you with the ‘feel-good factor plus’: an inner and outer makeover. It does more than reduce wrinkles as it works on your inner well-being and external appearance.
Moreover, Sue Kalicinska is a founding member of the British Acupuncture Council. In turn, it is a member of the Professional Standards Authority. She trained for her Bachelor’s degree in Acupuncture at the International College of Oriental Medicine. Subsequently, she was on the teaching faculty. She regularly enhances her professional skills and has undertaken additional training in abdominal acupuncture, Korean hand acupuncture, and Children’s Acupuncture. Additionally, Sue has facilitated CPD Postgraduate training for the British Acupuncture Council over many. years
Furthermore, Sue has qualified in Therapeutic and Remedial Massage and Colour Healing. These can work perfectly with Acupuncture as separate treatments. She has also undertaken facilitation training.
Sue Kalicinska B.Ac., M.B.Ac.C., L.C.S.P.(Assoc.), B.Sc., M.Sc., D.I.C.
- Traditional acupuncture, tailored to the individual and for all ages
- Facial and restorative acupuncture
- Children’s Acupuncture
- Abdominal acupuncture
- Korean hand acupuncture
- Therapeutic and remedial massage
- Colour healing
- Yi Jing consultations
- Personal facilitation: 121 and workshops
- “Health-Naturally” tailored packages
- Master Classes for Professional Acupuncturists