Acupuncture and Infertility
Ancient yet modern: You may have heard that traditional acupuncture can help infertility alongside assisted conception procedures. Many people simply have treatments at the time, for example either side of embryo transfer in IVF. But did you know there is also great advantage in receiving earlier preparation treatments? And there’s the possibility of a course of treatment alone helping fertility for both men and women. Sue encourages people to take advantage of the full possibilities acupuncture has to offer for natural and assisted fertility.
So how can acupuncture help with infertility?
Acupuncture is a wonderful natural system of medicine that restores and maintains our health. The needles presence activates a person’s own recuperative and healing powers. Over 2000 years ago this ancient science was already an established part of the repertoire of Chinese Medicine. This traditional practice works with the “Qi” (pronounced “chee”), or the vital energy of the body. Energy flows continuously within the meridian system. An energetic network links the points which in turn influence internal organs and other body systems. This science aims to treat the whole person. It looks at the causes of specific problems as well as the symptoms.
The practice involves the shallow insertion of hair fine needles and the sessions are amazingly relaxing with no side effects!
To enable the best chance of conception, both you and your partner should be treated. The aim is to increase your general health and vitality. Ideally, the planning of treatments should be taken a few months ahead of time. Whether you are looking at natural or assisted conception. Stress has a strong affect on the balance of our fertility hormones. Treatment releases stress and enables you to feel calm, positive and centred. This is as you prepare for that special time in your lives.
Regular Periods
Infertility can benefit by working to help you achieve regular periods and ovulation. Balancing the fertility hormones, increasing follicle production and enhancing the ovaries is beneficial. It can also help increase the thickness of the lining of the womb. This helps a good embryo implantation is more likely. Furthermore, it can lower the risk of miscarriage. Moreover, it can help male fertility too by working to enhance the quantity, shape and mobility of the sperm.
Acupuncture and infertility treatment can work alongside assisted conception. It helps increase the chances of success and indeed helps you cope with any side effects of the fertility medication.
Remember that once you are pregnant continuing the treatment can help expectant mums throughout their pregnancies. It keeps you strong and working with any issues such as morning sickness. Acupuncture help you prepare for labour and onward’s to keep mum, dad and baby in the best of health.
The British Acupuncture Council, the regulating body for the UK, has information on relevant acupuncture and infertility research here:
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